sabato 29 dicembre 2012

UDK Physics "Hover Craft" - Test Controls

The video shows off one of my thousands attempt to control the hovercraft (unsuccessfully!) . I built it all by myself, using static meshes from asset browser. The hover craft takes off using Matinee.

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UDK Physics "Hover Craft"

Please like my video if you find it interested!

 I am testing the physics in UDK, trying to build a hover craft. I built it all by myself, using static meshes from asset browser. The hover craft take off after 15 seconds using Matinee.

mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012

UDK Rocket Launch - Final Test

Please like my video if you find it interested!

Quick video which shows off what i have done in UDK. I am testing the physics in UDK, trying to build a rocket. This launch did go well. I used static meshes from asset browser. The rocket triggers when I press the button. I have some fun building it. 

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UDK Rocket Ship - Beta Test

Please like my video if you find it interested!

I am testing the physics in UDK, trying to build a rocket. The test didn't go that well. Please check my next video where I built the working rocket!

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lunedì 10 dicembre 2012

UDK stuff

Playing around with the UDK editor. BSP, some static meshes, 1 point light, and a "creepy" guy.

giovedì 15 novembre 2012

Testing the new SDK

This last few weeks I was testing a new SDK (which I can't say the name for now, sorry) and I had some fun playing with terrain and navigation tools, vegetation, sun meshes and so on... and then decided to not waste my creation and to post some pictures of the level I made. The realism of this forest is much, much bigger that the one I did with the CRYEngine3. Of course I was inspired by external sources like I did with the level Forest in CE3 (photos and videos), but I think I've got much more experience through this months. Next week maybe I will post some of Unity 4. But for now, here's some pictures:

sabato 3 novembre 2012

giovedì 25 ottobre 2012

XNA - few samples

Hello folks! I didn't post anything this last week (and the weeks before :p ) because I am working on XNA. Hoping to post my new game in C# very soon. Here's some of my projects (just for test purposes). Test: sprite animation, collision test and sound effects.


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martedì 11 settembre 2012

Platform game is coming up

I am not posting nothing new this past week because I'm working on something new, and because I never touched the source code of the SDK unfortunately I'm taking so much time to understand what the functions mean and do. Doesn't mean that Foresta is cancelled, it is just a break for doing something else :)

mercoledì 5 settembre 2012

venerdì 31 agosto 2012

Park level now available for download!

Here the link for download the Park level!!
Just follow this guideline if you wanna play it using the launcher:

1. Download the Cryengine 3 SDK here:
(you need to register)
2. Go to Cryengine folder (for example the mine is called CryENGINE_PC_v3_4_0_3696_freeSDK)
3. Place the folder Park inside Game\Levels
4. Go back to Cryengine root folder then go to Bin64
5. Open Editor.exe then log in with your account name and password created in
6. Ckick File\Open and select the level Park.Cry inside the folder Game\Level\Park
7. Click File\Export to Engine
8. Close the Editor, and now open the Launcher.exe (same log in)
9. Go to Singleplayer and choose @u_Park or Park

Comment if you have any question!


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lunedì 27 agosto 2012


Hi there! I spent my past week on this (I called it "Foresta" which means "forest" in english). It's basically a piece of a game that I have in mind: a man need to rescue his daughter from ex-mercenaries, requesting 1 million dollars in exchange. I uploaded few photos and a video with the trailer of the game. Soon it will be available for download (just remind it's a early version of the game, so expect bugs and stuff like that). Feel free to leave a comment and visit my Facebook page!


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Project Lab

This was my first attempt to make a game in Cryengine 3. The game should start from the beach of an island, and the player must find is way up to a laboratory where the villains are doing experiments with human body for making powerful creatures.


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mercoledì 22 agosto 2012


I created this park with Cryengine 3. It's one of my first creations. It's suppose to be level for a game, but for lack of time/resorces it remains just for pictures purposes.


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